
By Stefani Kopenec, American Heart Association 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽

Congenital heart defect survivor Marcus Parrish. (Photo courtesy of Jenn Parrish)
Congenital heart defect survivor Marcus Parrish. (Photo courtesy of Jenn Parrish)

With three children over the age of 10, 特拉华州的夫妇马克和珍·帕里什认为他们可能已经完成了壮大家庭的任务. Finding out Jenn was pregnant was a pleasant surprise.


At 34, Jenn was considered high-risk. She underwent multiple ultrasounds to examine the babies' organs, including all four chambers of their hearts. All went well every time.

On May 29, 2021, daughter Elina arrived first, healthy and screaming. Son Marcus cried a little but wasn't as lively. 几个小时后, Jenn noticed her newborn son was lethargic, less and less interested in nursing, and starting to breathe rapidly.

"I instantly knew something was wrong,她说.

The pediatrician agreed to run some tests. A chest X-ray showed fluid on his lungs. Then came an ultrasound on Marcus' heart.

"That's when they discovered he was having major issues,马克说.

The care team responded "like an emergency situation,珍说. “他们带走了我们的孩子,把他推到楼下,并试图立即给他插管."

Fearing for their son's life, 珍和马克向马库斯道别,然后他被送往一个半小时外的医院,那里有更好的设备对他进行评估. 他在那里几分钟后就被送往儿童医院接受治疗. 紧张的父母, who watched this all play out via video, were told they had a "very sick little boy."

"They told us he was going to need surgery, 迟早, if he was going to survive,马克说.

在几天内, Marcus had surgery to repair a narrowing of his aorta, known as a coarctation of the aorta. 外科医生还解决了另一个问题:他的心脏两个下腔之间有一个大洞, known as a ventricular septal defect. 他们通过在动脉周围绑上绷带来减缓血液从开口流出的速度. He also had a defective valve and another narrow artery.

At 19 days old, Marcus went home.

帕里什一家,左起:马克、维多利亚、埃琳娜、约西亚、马库斯、安娜和珍. (Photo by Nicole Peirson)
帕里什一家,左起:马克、维多利亚、埃琳娜、约西亚、马库斯、安娜和珍. (Photo by Nicole Peirson)

不到两个月后,一家人准备去看医生. 马库斯坐在他的汽车座椅上,准备被抱上车,这时马克尖叫道:“詹妮弗,他是蓝色的!"

他迅速地把婴儿从婴儿车里拿出来,检查他的脉搏,但没有发现. 值得庆幸的是, Mark, who'd learned 心肺复苏 years before as a Boy Scout, had taken a course again at work a year before.

"The training I had received took over, and I just started chest compressions, started breathing for him,他说. "After what seemed like an eternity, but was only a matter of minutes or seconds, he started a slow weak cry, 我开始抚摸他的胸部,和他说话,鼓励他,给他几次呼吸,直到他哭得越来越大声."


"The next thing I know, there is an off-duty EMT in our house in shorts and flip-flops, but he had his jump bag with him and was able to give him oxygen,马克说. "Then it was just a whirlwind of paramedics and police."

在医院,超声心动图显示马库斯有心脏问题. Other tests came back normal, 但马库斯需要做第二次手术来移除动脉周围的绷带. 显然,本应有助于预防一个问题的绷带现在却因限制血液流动而引发了另一个问题.

先天性心脏缺陷是“一种充满不确定性的终生诊断,”珍说. 例如,马库斯可能需要支架,因为绷带留下了疤痕组织.

他也有一些发育迟缓,但经过治疗进展良好. 事实上, though he lagged his sister in motor skills, he stood up and started walking perfectly around his first birthday.

"It was like he was behind, and then he snapped his fingers, and now he's ahead of his sister,珍说. "Now he's not only walking, he's running 到处都是."

Marcus Parrish (left) with his twin sister, Elina. (Photo courtesy of Jenn Parrish)
Marcus Parrish (left) with his twin sister, Elina. (Photo courtesy of Jenn Parrish)

这对夫妇很感激科学进步挽救了他们儿子的生命,但他们知道还有更多的工作要做. 他们现在为患有先天性心脏病的儿童和“因错过早期诊断和治疗而失去婴儿的家庭”辩护."


"I think that's something every parent should have,马克说, "because you never know when your child is going to need it."

Stories From the Heart 记录心脏病和中风幸存者、护理人员和倡导者的鼓舞人心的旅程.

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